Ricoh Orthodontic Appliances is proud to introduce our new 3D printed bands. Improving appliance accuracy by removing the sub-gingival guess work, resulting in: less chair time, greater accuracy, fewer appointments, and happier patients!
We strive to streamline your workflow and limit redundancies to keep your practice moving forward. That’s why we’ve created a laser sintering 3D printer that optimizes your intra oral scan and takes the guesswork out of what’s happening beneath the gum line–by removing “subgingival” from the equation altogether. As a result, you’ll get a more accurate appliance each and every time.
Laser sintering can be wielded to fabricate entire space maintainers, bonded lingual retainers, expander frameworks and any other component requiring rigidity and strength. Any components requiring precise placement in relation to tissue can be designed to stay low-profile while avoiding impingement. Additionally, any traditional components assembled onto a sintered framework are easily laser-welded, ensuring a strong connection.
Benefits of Laser-Sintered Appliances
The benefits of laser sintering machine are clear for doctors and patients, but these also extend to the labs fabricating the devices. Competitive labs have adapted to advancing technologies, developing technical expertise in these areas and leveraging their experience with traditional appliances to create unique offerings.
The overall quality of an appliance with sintered components is superior to traditionally banded devices
Fabrication consistency is high and digital appliance records can be kept indefinitely for remake. Design parameters of appliances can be controlled more objectively, and in some cases quantified—creating better communication between labs and doctors. Highly technical elements are reallocated to the digital design portion of the workflow, providing opportunities for work to be done remotely.
Laser Sintering Machine Improves Clinical Workflow
When a band does not require access to interproximal areas, the separation step can be excluded. For many practices, this is a separate appointment, and for some there are separate appointments for both band fit and seating of the final appliance. Eliminating this step yields an immediate improvement in workflow and patient scheduling.
While removing separation appointments creates a predictable time benefit to all involved, there is also a marked improvement to chair time in the aggregate when considering appliance fit improvements. A band designed from scans which only engages visible anatomy creates a very streamlined bonding appointment with far greater consistency and less time lost to salvaging ill-fitting appliances.
For further details on laser sintered appliances and how Ricoh Orthodontic Appliances can support you, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re eager to answer any questions you have and assist you in integrating this advanced technology into your practice to foster growth.